I bought my Brommi in May 1997. I bought it at the Fahrradhof in Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe. The reason for that purchase was a new job in Hann. Münden. To get to Hann. Münden I had to go about 14 kilometres by train one way. At that time bikes weren`t free on trains. They introduced the free entrainment of bikes about one and an half weeks after I had bought my Brompton.


Nevertheless I decided to keep my Brompton instead of selling it. From that time on my Brompton brought me to work both in summer and in winter. I used it also for some tours because I was to lazy to repair my “usual bike”.


From summer 2000 to winter 2002 I stored it folded in the cellar. After I had opened the bike I noticed with astonishment that the rear wheel was missing. I was afraid that it got lost when we moved in another flat.


Fortunately I could order another one. This wheels with a 5-speed-hub by Sturmey Archer were still available at that time. Since that time my Brommi and me have been commuting every Monday to Krefeld and on Friday back to Kassel. The trains I usually use are the IC and ICE. I`ve never got any problems with the train staff because of the Brommi. I always transport (hide) it in the Brompton bike bag.


The most people think that it is a trolley anyway. Sometime I think it was in Novembre 2002 I replaced the small rolls by big rolls on the carrier and in autumn 2006 I assembled the original SON-hub-generator I was longing for. From now one even riding in the dark is fun.


My Brompton and me have already been in the countries below:



the area around Venlo


the area around Lake Constance


the area around Lake Constance


the area around Telford and Blistshill


After about 10 years and about 10574 ridden kilometres I changed the drive unit. The chain wheel, the chain and the sprocket wheel were extremly worn out. When I folded the bike sometimes the chain slipped off because it had longed itself and the cogs on the chain wheel were almost gone. So I decided to rejuvenate my Brommi by a drastic remedy. I also worked on the brake system.


Find more in the for that purpose designed gallery (click).




 It was about time, the ravages of time have left their mark


Sprocket wheel with strong mechanical wear.

Here you can see a new sprocket wheel.

Chain wheel with pointed cogs.

Here the new part.




The maintenance is done and my Brommy is on the road again.




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